4oς νεανικός διαγωνισμός “Idea Platform” | Οι αιτήσεις συνεχίζονται!

Ο CapsuleT αναζητά τεχνολογικές ιδέες για τον τουρισμό με έμφαση στις λύσεις βιωσιμότητας, fintech, διαχείριση μεγάλων δεδομένων, AI solutions. 

3rd idea platform-winners-for-site

The 3rd Idea Platform by CapsuleT has been completed!

Find more about the winners, the strategic partners, and the rich content of the program.

3ο Idea Platform | Οι αιτήσεις συνεχίζονται μέχρι 21 Μαρτίου

3rd Idea Platform | The applications continue until 21st of March

The submission of applications to CapsuleT’s 3rd Idea Platform youth competition continues at a rapid pace.

3ο Idea Platform - Οι αιτήσεις άνοιξαν

3rd Idea Platform | The applications are open!

CapsuleT invites young people with innovative ideas that will solve practical problems in tourism through the use of technology to participate in the 3rd Idea Platform.