3ο Idea Platform | Οι αιτήσεις συνεχίζονται μέχρι 21 Μαρτίου

3rd Idea Platform | The applications continue until 21st of March

Focus on sustainable solutions, space applications, data & hospitality management.

The submission of applications for the 3rd CapsuleT Travel & Hospitality Accelerator’s Idea Platform youth competition continues at a fast pace. Please note that the deadline for the application period is March 21, 2022.

The Idea Platform competition is organized for the 3rd consecutive year by the Travel & Hospitality Accelerator of the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels in order to give the opportunity to young people from 18-35 years old, students or university graduates, as well as groups that are in a very early stage of development, to present a business idea that solves a practical problem in tourism through the use of technology. The central goal is to mature this idea alongside industry leaders, recognized startuppers and executives of large companies and ultimately create the next tech startup that will make a difference in the digital transformation of the Greek tourism industry.

The accelerator, seeking to promote the concept of innovation and contribute to the upgrading of the Greek tourism product, invites teams to participate in the 12-day competitive program, which will be full of mentoring sessions, speeches by industry experts and separate workshops. How to choose the right partners, product design, financing, digital marketing, travel trends, presentation techniques, etc., as well as special discussions on how space services (Space For Tourism) can support more sustainable tourism and bring us closer to “modern normality” are just some of the things that the candidates will find in the calendar of the 3rd Idea Platform.

Specific information for the events

In the context of raising awareness about the Idea Platform competition and more specifically about applications using space technologies, CapsuleT in cooperation with the new Space For Tourism funding program of the European Space Agency will organize a series of online events for teams wishing to work on new ideas/proposals/solutions in the field of tourism using new technologies, focusing on areas such as: energy, sustainable practices/applications, big data management, applications using space technologies, etc.

More specifically, the series of online events co-organised by CapsuleT with ESA Space Solutions on the theme “The new technological entrepreneurship programmes in tourism

– will open on 10 March at the Hellenic Open University, where applicants will be introduced to the aims of the Idea Platform, listen to the opportunities and challenges in tourism and learn about the “Space for Tourism” funding programme,

-will continue on 14 March at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, where the presentation of the POWER Programme (Placement Opportunities with Entrepreneurial Reach) will be added to the above mentioned event

-and will be concluded on 15 March at the “Archimedes” Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, where interested parties will additionally receive information about the “Archimedes” Center’s Acceleration Program.

In which tourism categories can you participate in?

The teams should participate in the Idea Platform with ideas in applications to products/services which are relevant with the goals and the thematic concept of the program, for example applications and solutions listed below:

a) for the hotel and catering tourism sector, b) for tourism transport, c) for booking engines and online travel agencies, d) for tourism and cultural activities, guided tours and events, e) products and solutions for airports, sea tourism – marinas, f) applications and sustainability solutions, such as applications and solutions for saving energy and natural resources, food waste, recycling of materials, etc. g) applications using space technologies in accordance with the “Space for Tourism” funding program in areas such as communications, connectivity, accessibility, travel safety, etc., h) specialized communication and promotional solutions, etc. For more information on the conditions of participation and how to apply, please click here.

What are the cash prizes that you can win?

The competing teams that will successfully complete the Idea Platform and participate in the competitive part during the last day will have the opportunity to claim cash prizes, as well as free services and benefits from the strategic partners of the program.

The prizes will be awarded according to the overall score and final evaluation by the Jury at the awards and closing event. The grading of the prizes is: 1st prize  3,000 euros, 2nd prize 2,000 euros and 3rd prize 1,000 euros. At the same time, the 3 winners will have the right to join directly the Acceleration Program, provided they complete their product/service prototype and actively participate in additional coaching hours to better prepare them for joining the next Acceleration cycle. In addition, they will benefit from the free services/benefits and additional mentoring offered by the program’s strategic partners, Expedia Group and Programize.

Which leading companies will support your journey?

The Idea Platform has been designed by the CapsuleT team and the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels with the active support and assistance of major organizations of the country, as well as startup companies of the tourism ecosystem. Google, Expedia Group, Athens International Airport, Onassis Foundation, NBG Business Seeds of the National Bank of Greece and Programize are strategic partners of the program. In addition, the accelerator’s efforts will be supported by representatives of recognized start-ups in the tourism sector, such as Clio Muse Tours, Ferryhopper, Triparound, Welcome Pickups, Woof Together, Workathlon, Zoottle and Travelmyth.

Submission of applications

The application period for CapsuleT ‘s 3rd Idea Platform started on Monday, February 21 and will close on Monday, March 21, 2022.

 Apply easily here.

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