Dr. Maria Morfoulaki is an Operational Scientist A’, working at CERTH-HIT since 2001. She is Dep. Head of the “Transport and Tourism” Department of HIT and head of the Laboratory “Sustainable Mobility”.
She is a Transportation Engineer having a great experience on Public Transport Operational and Quality issues, Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning, Traffic Simulation as well as Marketing and Engagement Techniques and Methods.
Her professional experience covers a wide range of studies and research programs with subjects related to sustainable public transport and urban mobility planning, sustainable tourism, crowdsourcing techniques and applications, citizens and authorities’ engagement and marketing techniques and tools, traffic management, transportation planning using simulation analysis and transportation systems’ management emphasizing on the quality, the safety and the reduction of environmental impacts.
She is an author and co-author of many papers that were published in scientific journals or conferences’ proceedings while she is participating-representing HIT – in many committees of scientific and other transport related organizations, such as UITP, POLIS, ELTIS, ECTRI.