Application Questions

Before submitting your application for the seventh cycle of our Acceleration Program (September 2024 – February 2025) please read through the Application Questions and prepare your answers.

Part A – Your Team

→ Information about each team member, including a paragraph about their team role and their relevant experience.

1. Full Name
2. Education level (BA, Msc, MA, PhD)
3. Studies
4. Current Occupation
5. Email
6. Mobile Phone
7. Role in the team
8. Include a short bio (up to 1500 characters)
9. Are you the Primary Applicant (the main contact person) regarding your team and your participation at the CapsuleT Travel & Hospitality Accelerator?

Part B – Your Business Proposition

→ Tell us about your company:

1. What is your company’s name? (100 characters)

2. Under which travel and hospitality sector does your company fall? You can select up to 2 sectors:

-Hotel and Food and Beverage sector (for example hotel management, revenue management, channel management, Operations management, HR management, guest products & services etc.)
-Booking Engines and ΟΤΑs
-Activity Providers
-Sustainability Solutions, such as Food Waste, Energy and Natural Resources saving solutions (regarding hotels, tourism facilities, museums, but also places such as islands, villages, and other significant regions with extensive touristic concentration)
-Accessibility Solutions
-Specialized Communication and Promotional Solutions regarding the tourism sector (such as social media engagement, service reviews, advertising etc.)
– Fintech Solutions for Travel

3. Under which technological category does your company fall? In case you are using a variety of channels/platforms, you can select up to three categories:

-Internet and web platforms
-Mobile apps
-Energy solutions
-Mobility and Transportation solutions
-Blockchain solutions
-AI solutions
-Big Data
-Internet of Things

4. Is your company incorporated?

5. If so, please include the type (Inc, Single Member P. C. etc). (100 characters)

6. When and where was your company incorporated?

7. Has your company received funding and if so, how much? (250 characters)

8. Please include the full names of the founding team (300 characters)

9. How many full/part-time employees does your company have (additional to the founding team)? (100 characters)

10. Please list your company’s advisors and/or board members (500 characters)

11. Have you participated in incubators/accelerators in Greece or abroad? Please name the programs you have previously participated in and if you have received any kind of award or funding (500 characters)

12. Please provide your company’s website.

13. Please provide your elevator pitch for Twitter (200 characters)

14. Please provide a full elevator pitch (600 characters)

→ Your Product/Service:

1. Please describe what issue you are trying to resolve or offer a new, innovative perspective in the market (800 characters)

2. Briefly, provide a summary of your solution to the issue, as described. (800 characters)

3. What is your product/service’s competitive advantage? (800 characters)

4. How long does your team believe you can maintain your competitive advantage? Please explain how you will do so (500 characters)

5. Does your product/service have an IP (Intellectual Property) component? If yes, explain the status of it (500 characters)

→ Your Market and Competition:

1. What is your target market? (500 characters)

2. What is the current size of the target market? (500 characters)

3. What is the estimated annual growth of your target market? (500 characters)

4. Who are your target customers? (500 characters)

5. Which steps have you taken to assess demand for your proposed product/service? (700 characters)

6. In EU euro terms, what is your estimated total addressable market? (500 characters)

7. Who are your competitors in the market? Please include company names and information showcasing the competition landscape (800 characters)

→ Your Financials and Business model:

1. What is your company’s business model? (800 characters)

2. How will your company make money? What will its primary source of revenue be? (800 characters)

3. Does your company have revenues? If yes, explain how much and from where you have received them (B2C, B2B, online sales etc) (500 characters)

4. What funding is required to scale up your company? If you have already launched and received funding, please discuss additional funding requirements. Please provide an explanation regarding your next funding needs. (800 characters)

5. What is your timeline for generating and/or increasing revenue? (800 characters)

6. Please provide financial projections. (800 characters)

7. What is your timeline for breaking even after launch? (500 characters)

8. Which are your major challenges? How do you plan to address them? (800 characters)

Part C – Your Supportive Content

Required: Upload your Executive Summary

Upload your executive summary, a 2-3 page PDF written summary of your Business Plan covering the following topics:

-Sector/industry issue and proposed solution (your product)
-Business model
-Proposed milestones to accomplish goals
-Market analysis (market size, target market, market growth etc)
-Intellectual property
-Competition (including analysis and competitive advantages)
-Revenue model/financial projections
-Management team and Advisors / Board Members
-Funding status


-2-3 pages, single-spaced on A4 paper with 2.5 cm margins (top, bottom, left and right). 12-point font with black text. No additional title page, cover page or tables from press clippings/external reports may be submitted.
-Must include team information (company name, founders names)

-Must be in PDF format and submitted as a single file
-May include images regarding the product/service, screen shots of prototype and so on
-May use Arial or Helvetica fonts
-Unreadable submissions will be disqualified.
-Cannot include links to online material such as websites or video.
-Please do not include “sensitive” information that might affect your IP.

Required: 1-2 Minute Video Statement

Provide us with a video statement (public link, e.g. Vimeo or YouTube video), pitching your idea live to our judges and organizing committee.

Required: Your Product/Service Working Prototype

Please include a link presenting your product or service such as website, demo app or other relevant proof showcasing that you have a working prototype.

*Note: Please do not include “sensitive” information that might affect your IP such as algorithms etc.

Part D – CapsuleT Travel and Hospitality Accelerator Questions

1. How did you hear about CapsuleT Accelerator?

2. How do you expect CapsuleT Acceleration program could help your company? (500 characters)

3. What do you expect to contribute to the local Travel and Hospitality Community and CapsuleT Community? (500 characters)

4. Are you committed to complete the 5-month Acceleration Program, including regular attendance during each week of the program at the accelerator’s facilities and office space, attendance to all workshops, events, and other activities as mentioned and described in the announcements and Rules and Conditions of the program?

5. Have you read and agree to all Rules and Conditions regarding your participation?