Member of the Judging & Advisory Committee
Education: Law School of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Konstantinos Zikos is currently the A’ Vice President of Greece’s leading hotel management company (HotelBrain SA) and former Deputy Secretary General of the Greek National Tourism Organization. He has spent over 20 years (1991 -2015) practicing law as an Attorney before the Supreme Court and the Council of State and he’s a member of the Athens Bar Association specializing in the fields of : Commercial Law, Media, intellectual property, Civil and administrative law. He has worked as legal adviser to corporations, legal persons of private law, local authorities, unions, media and to consumer groups.
He has also held various positions such as:
•Member of the board of directors at “MARKETING GREECE SA” (2017-today)
•Chairman of the board of Directors at the Greek National Tourism Organization GNTO / EOT (2011-2013)
•Deputy General Secretary GNTO (2013-2015 & 2020 – 2022)
•Special Legal Adviser to the Deputy Minister of Tourism (2009-2010)
•Special Adviser to the Minister of Culture and Tourism and to General Secretariat of Sports (2010-2011 )
•Special Adviser to the Minister of Tourism Olga Kefalogianni (2013-2015)
•Counsel-Member of the commission of Tourism Marines (2012-2015)
•Member of the committee of recognition of the thermal sources (2014-2015)
•Under decision of the Ministerial Council member of the management project, for the licensing procedure simplification within of law 4262/2014 in collaboration with the World Bank(2014-2015)
•Chairman to the Committee reforming the change of the legislative framework of licensing hotels & non primary accommodation
•I have draw up and edited as coordinator the bulk of laws 4014/2011 (condo hotels ) 4049/2012 (football violence-provisions for EOT),4179/2013(procedure simplification of licensing- hotel establishment marines composite etc) and 4276/2014 as well as the relevant applicable decrees, indicative Minister Decisions ( MD ) Num:67659(FEK B 3155/12-12 2013) “Approval modification of specific spatial planning framework of Tourism MD Number: 27715(FEK B 3118 9.12.2013),MD Number 216(FEK B 10/12-1-2015),MD Number 21185(FEK B 840/22.10.2014)
•Member of State Central Advisory Committee for development act investment
•Technical Adviser to the municipality of Tinos Island regarding the destination management of the island (2014- today )
•Researcher at President’s office of Organization of Housing (1996-2000) particularly with regard to the provision of legal advice in training participation in programs of social tourism and the respective agreements concluded with tourist agencies .
He has participated:
•To the committee on operational coordination of national tourism organization with the actions foreseen tourist promotion of the 13 regions of the country (managing authority OP competitiveness 2002)
•In cooperation with the Centre for European Constitutional law institution Themistoklis and Dimitris Tsatsos as a member of the working group for the study on the implementation of the Regulatory Reform (better regulation) in Greece.