What’s AccessLab all about?
AccessLab enhances accessible tourism in Greece by certifying the accessibility of touristic places and offering safe touristic routes in the cities for people with disabilities.
Hmm… Could you tell us a little bit more about it?
Modern cities have to successfully face the issues of accessibility and urban mobility. Technological advances open up new horizons and lead to the adoption of social innovation methods. In AccessLab we are a startup company of urban planners and geoinformatics engineers. We aim to be an integral part of the technology ecosystem and to provide smart mobility solutions for disabled people. Using our tools, people with disabilities can safely move around the city and search for accessible places with touristic interest.
What problem/issue are you trying to solve?
In modern cities, people with disabilities do not enjoy the same privileges with others. For example, wheelchair users are not able to move independently, travel easily and visit places with touristic interest, due to the lack of infrastructure and limited information.
What’s the solution provided by AccessLab?
AccessLab team has developed GoSafe platform for the region of Attica. The platform informs visitors with reduced mobility about accessible ramps and sidewalks and navigates them through safe pedestrian routes in order to reach an accessible place with touristic interest.
The Team
Konstantinos Laliotis
Founder & CEOKonstantinos Laliotis is an Urban Planner (AUTH) and has been trained in Business Administration (IDC Herzliya). He is the founder and owner of AccessLab and responsible for the business strategy and decision making. He is a member of the AESOP Young Academics Network and his research interests focus on social entrepreneurship and design thinking for the development of digital applications for the movement of disabled people in the public space.
Konstantinos Laliotis
Founder & CEONikos Leivadaras
COO/GIS AnalystNikos Leivadaras is an Urban Planner (AUTH) and holds a MSc in Environment and Development (NTUA). He is the Project Manager of AccessLab and he is responsible for scheduling and managing AccessLab tasks and deliverables. His research interests focus on mapping and new methods of spatial data production, as well as familiarization with the institutional and legal framework of urban planning.